
At Sister Corps, our volunteers are passionate about responding to the unique needs of their communities. Here are just a few examples of how they’ve stepped up to make a difference.

Blood Shortage

Addressing the Blood Shortage

Faced with a critical shortage of blood and blood products nationwide, Sister Corps volunteers rallied to organize blood drives and recruit much-needed donors.

  • Blood drive events
  • Volunteer efforts to support local blood banks
Community Improvement

Community Improvement Projects

When our volunteers recognize a local need, they take action to put regional projects into motion.

  • Painting a home for a disabled individual
  • Restoring a neglected county park in Minnesota
Historic Landmarks

Preserving Historic Landmarks

In Spokane, Washington, volunteers joined forces to restore a seriously neglected but historic cemetery, ensuring it receives the care and respect it deserves.

  • Cemetery restoration project
  • Dedicated volunteer teams
Supporting Women

Supporting Women in Need

Volunteers nationwide united to collect backpacks filled with essential health and hygiene items for women in domestic violence shelters. Through initiatives like “Luggage of Love,” now called “Serving Community,” they’ve donated hundreds of these life-changing backpacks.

  • Hundreds of backpacks delivered to shelters
  • Providing dignity and support to women in crisis

“Who are these women? Who are these women that didn’t know me, but who came in for a week and gave me back a home I can live in again?”